here's another quick hack: segmented patch cords (sort of...)
I've just replaced the straight line cord with three lines. the horizontal part is allways exactly in the middle between outlet and inlet. The line one has to delete when deleting the connection is still a straight (and invissible) line between outlet and inlet (couln't find the corresponding code). The second known bug is the behaviour when an object is moved. This produces a straight line again...
The modyfied files (based on 0.35 test 17) can be downloaded at http://www.akustische-kunst.de/puredata/segcords.zip. To compile Pd 'SEGCORD' has to be defined (/DSEGCORD or -DSEGCORD) to get the segmented cords. It's really a fast hack, so please don't expect too much...
My personal wishlist for this would be:
cords (this could be: normal behaviour as allways + segmented patch cords when pressing alt-key on creation of cord)
often happens to me that I delete the wrong cords in overcrowded patches...)
"Joseph A. Sarlo" schrieb:
Here is the patch. It was diff'd against 0.35-test17. I decided to go with yellow since blue is the 'editing' color. I didn't have much time to test it, but it seems to work ok. This is really just a quick hack, there might be a cleaner and better way to do it.
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Joseph A. Sarlo wrote:
Reading all of these GUI wish-list posts, I just finished adding colored signal patch cords. It seemed like the easiest. I should probably test it a little more before I release a patch (probably later tonight). It was pretty simple, just check whether the connecting outlet is a signal with obj_sigoutletindex() in canvas_drawlines() and canvas_doconnect().
I was wondering if anyone had an opinion as to what the signal patch cords should look like. I think Max/MSP does yellow with ~'s. My personal preference is a slightly thicker solid blue line. Tk does have a -dash parameter for canvas objects, but I think it looks pretty awful.
-- ______________________________ | | Joseph A. Sarlo | | jsarlo@mambo.peabody.jhu.edu |______________________________
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