Not to shamelessly self promote, but you can check out the gui objects at They don't require the pd gui so you can use the -nogui option.
-- __________________________ | | Joseph A. Sarlo | Computer Music Dept. | Peabody Conservatory | Johns Hopkins University | | |__________________________
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Johannes M Zmoelnig wrote:
of course, there is the "-nogui" in the new (?) pd-release, and i am really fond of this.
but what i meant with "protecting objects" (or a "pd-play", which would lack of the editing-possibility) is, that you really still have your gui (so let any user click on the buttons and use sliders etc) but make the patches not editable.. Something like these digusting things like the "ReBirth",... Simply for users that do not know anything of signal-processing, mathematics or even pcs
(in fact, you would have to modify the pd-gui so that it wouldn't turn to edit-mode, this should be really simple)
mfg.dsa.rse IOhannes