Luigi wrote:
Ok this is referring to my last post.
I guess i could use pix_fiducialtrack to to the simple OCR-Task.
I would just need to adjust the "all.trees" file, right ??
Is there any more information on how to do that ? How the "region
adjacency graph" is built ??
yep, there is a paper by kaltenbrunner et al. referenced in the help-patch. (actually i thought it was referenced; but it seems like it is not; it should be available on the reacTable homepage though)
however, fiducials (as used by reacTVision) do very simple hierarchical analysis of the the images (which white blob is contained in which black blob and vice-versa), i don't think that your 7segment targets will match the criterion of being hierarchically unique.
fgmasdr IOhannes