Hi Karl,
I'll try your GTK version...
many thanks
Alessandro Fogar
Karl MacMillan wrote:
It is not really possible to do this because the objects don't really have a background - they are just lines and text. It should be possible to make PD use TK canvas polygons so that they have a background color (like Guenter's objects) but there are some issues with the stacking of the objects. Notice that since the current objects are 'transparent' when they overlap nothing is done about the order that they are drawn. PD will need a notion of depth in addition to horizontal/vertical position before this will be possible in a nice way. It would be nice, though.
On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, sfogar@libero.it wrote:
Hi all,
We know how to change the background color of canvas, is it possible to change the background color of objects on canvas in a similar way ?
I'd like to have a grey canvas with white objects.
Many thanks
Alessandro Fogar
-- _____________________________________________________ | Karl W. MacMillan | | Computer Music Department | | Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University | | karlmac@peabody.jhu.edu | | www.peabody.jhu.edu/~karlmac |