I read:
It looks like I need to configure the D-Link manually to allow = communication on specific ports - it has a built-in firewall. For = example: I've manually configured the D-Link to allow incoming messages = to Port 21 for FTP services on my server and port 80 for WWW messages, = etc.
weird stuff -- get a dumb hub ;)
The D-Link interface calls this a 'trigger'. Hence, if PD's netsend = (for TCP) uses port 200 for all outgoing message, then I can tell the = D-Link to open ports 2999-49999 for incoming messages.
I suggest you open 1024-65535 ;)
So the question is: Which port does [netsend] use for outgoing messages?
I guess the nextbest available unprivileged port a call to the os'es socket routines has available for it ... anyway your firewall should block/accept packages based on _destination_ port anyway. (and maybe source _adresses_ it's a bit hard to spoof from out- side)
I still don't know if I understood correctly what's going on in your setup- Anyway I hope this helps a little ...