Hi all,
Pd version 0.46-0 is available on http://msp.ucsd.edu/software.htm or via git from sourceforge: git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/pure-data cd pure-data git checkout
New stuff: oscformat and oscparse objects - so Pd vanilla can input and output OSC via UDP. (For TCP, USB, or other wrappings you still also need the slip encoder and/or decoder from mrpeach.
Jack support compiled in for Mac computers.
Audio and MIDI devices saved by name so that when they get switched around Pd has a better chance of restoring settings correctly.
New [text tosymbol] and [text fromsymbol] to allow string manipulation.
Netsend/netreceive can send messages bidirectinally if using TCP protocol.
other miscellaneous improvements and lots of bug fixes.
cheers Miller
Pd-announce mailing list Pd-announce@lists.iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-announce