*ICAD 2018*
The 24th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2018)
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA, June 10-15, 2018
Please check the conference website for updates: *http://icad2018.icad.org/ http://icad2018.icad.org/*
*Theme: Sonification as ADSR*
Auditory researchers are familiar with “ADSR” (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release), which are basic components of sound. In ICAD 2018, we want to (1) not only go back to the basics but also (2) explore and integrate various potentials of auditory displays and sonification as Art-Design-Science-Research (ADSR). Under this conference theme, we will value and embrace all types of submissions, including papers, extended abstracts, multimedia (videos/audios), concert pieces, demos and installations.
ICAD is a highly interdisciplinary academic conference with relevance to researchers, practitioners, musicians, and students interested in the design of sounds to support tasks, improve performance, guide decisions, augment awareness, and enhance experiences. It is unique in its singular focus on auditory displays and the array of perception, technology, and application areas that this encompasses. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2018 will be a single-track conference, open to all, with no membership or affiliation requirements.
ICAD 2018, the 24th International Conference on Auditory Display, will be held at Michigan Tech, June 10 to 15, 2018. The conference venues are the Colleges of Arts and Architecture and Information Sciences and Technology. The graduate student ThinkTank (doctoral consortium) will be on Sunday, June 10, before the main conference.
*Submission Dates*
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Art & Design*
Science & Research*
ICAD workshops and tutorials provide in-depth opportunities for conference attendees to discuss and explore important aspects of the field of auditory display with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Sessions can range from applications and programming methodologies to interdisciplinary research skills, emerging research areas, and challenging problems.
*Organizing Committee*