On 2013-02-19 15:21, Charles Goyard wrote:
almost there. But I don't know why, any2bytes converts my newlines (10) into spaces (32).
My input is like :
line1 line2 line3
So textfile returns the whole file at once, which is what I want.
[textfile] usually expects lines to be terminated by semicolons, e.g. line1; line2; line3;
if your file does not use semicolons as line delimiters, [textfile] will ignore CR/LF/CRLF and append all those lines into a single message [line1 line2 line3(, and [any2bytes] will properly insert a space (32) as the atom delimiter.
you can tell [textfile] to use CR/LF/CRLF as line delimiters by opening the file in "cr" mode, like [open file.txt cr(
then you will need to stop through the lines by [bang(ing [textfile] till the end is reached. if you want to read the entire file at once, use [until] (with the 2nd outlet of [textfile] fed back to the 2nd inlet of [until], so it stops banging once the textfile is done. convert each line with [any2bytes], use [list append] to append '10' (the newline), and append those lists using another [list append].
Maybe mrpeach's binfile is more appropriate ?
maybe. if your file is saved as a W32 or MacOS(<X) file, then your line delimiters will be CRLF resp. CR, which will show up as an unprintable character (a small rectangle). in this case you might want to replace the line delimiters with proper LF to get what you want (which is easy enough if you don't care for supporting _both_ CRLF and CR)
ghmnsdf IOhannes