But it doesn't give you the name of the patch itself (which could be useful for auto-naming files associated with the patch, e.g. soundfiles). L2ORk's patch_name does everything getdir does (optional argument traverses structure upwards to provide you with info of patches/abstractions above it) plus gives you the patch name.
-----Original Message----- From: pd-list-bounces@iem.at [mailto:pd-list-bounces@iem.at] On Behalf Of Hans-Christoph Steiner Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 8:30 PM To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] Fwd: absolute vs relative filepath on oggread~
[getdir] in ggee gets the path for the current patch, and levels above it
like the parent and top-most.
On 02/02/2013 07:01 PM, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
Not sure if this is off-topic, but pd-l2ork has an external called patch_name (or patchname, can't remember off top my head) which gives
both the current open patch path and filename as two separate symbols. I
sure there might be other similar externals out there, I just failed to locate them...
Best wishes,
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