on linux, right?
(I never run make install, so I don't tend to catch these problems - thanks for flagging it)
cheers M
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:35:55PM +1000, dmotd wrote:
hi hcs, miller,
i've been testing some changes i've made locally and i've just noticed in regards to the code miller checked into trunk, that it breaks autotools which is still attempting to install pd-gui (and failing). relevant changes will probably need to be made to 'makefile.in' i guess..
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
A complete rewrite of Pd's GUI is starting to be usable. Miller has
accepted the core of this code into his repo for 0.43. Now we need to
get the whole thing done! There is now a branch for continuing off of
Miller's initial 0.43 commit here:http://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pure-data/branches/pd-gui-rewrit...
There is a wiki page to keep track of progress with build instructions, etc.:
Try it out on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X, no one's tried to get it running on Windows yet, you could be the first. Shouldn't be too hard since its all Tcl. There is lots of work left to do, and you can contribute in many different ways. We always need testers, try using this Pd version in your normal work, and report any and all bugs, problems, feature ideas, etc. The simplest way is to contribute code is to create a translation for Pd. You can also look thru the Tcl source for things marked TODO and take a stab and doing them. If you want to improve the GUI, make the new Pd window for example, an announce your interest to pd-dev to make sure there are no duplications of efforts.
'You people have such restrictive dress for women,??? she said, hobbling
away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out another pink- collar temp pool day. - ???Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf
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