On 11/26/19 4:59 PM, Peter P. wrote:
- IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at [2019-11-26 16:03]:
Am 26. November 2019 15:49:07 MEZ schrieb Roman Haefeli reduzent@gmail.com:
On Tue, 2019-11-26 at 15:12 +0100, Csaba Láng wrote:
Dear list,
I want to open from a pd patch a pd patch withe the message:
[; pd open $1.pd /path-topatch;(
just to be clear, if I want to open cat.pd, a message [cat( will not make it happen.
Use [symbol cat(.
and if you have many, many files (msgboxes) you can convert (almost) any selector toa symbol with [symbol]:
jumping on this I must admit that I never understood when a selector such as "symbol" or "list" has to be provided explicitely, or to be trimmed off.
# anatomy of a message
i think it is pretty easy:
atoms (including none).
some special selectors need a fixed number of atoms, of a fixed type ("float" and "symbol" require exactly 1 atom of the resp. type; "bang" requires exactly 0 atoms); but these are special cases.
dollar-arguments in msgboxes (e.g. [open $1.wav() always refer to the atoms.
## implicit selectors
if you have a msgbox [foo bar 1(, then this is a message with the selector "foo" and two atoms, a symbol "bar" and a number "1".
if you have a msgbox [1(, then the 1st element would be "1" (a number). since messages must always start with a selector (a symbol), it cannot start with the number "1". and Pd implicitely adds a default selector to this message. since the msg only consists of a single number atom, the implicitely added selector is "float". if you have a msgbox [1 bar foo(, we also miss a (symbol) selector, but the "float" selector requires a single atom (and our message has 3 atoms, once we add a selector), so Pd adds a "list" selector.
# why do we need selectors?
so why are messages like they are in the first place? each object in Pd has a number of methods (functions that interact with the internal state of the object). objects and methods are something we know from object-oriented programming (C++, ...) in Pd, objects communicate via messages - and communication boils down to calling methods in other objects. so messages need some way to encode which method of the downstream object is being called: and this is what the selector does. e.g. an object might have a method for messages with the "foo"-selector and messages with the "bang" selector, but no messages with the "float" selector.
so if you want to stop a delay, you want to call the "stop" method of the [delay] object, thus sending a [stop( message (selector is "stop", no atoms).
mdsar IOhannes