Hi list,
There are some news on 0.54-1 installer and 'winget'.
### Installer
- the (un)installer refuses to do anything if it finds a currently running Pd or Pd64.
- check if there's write permission on target dir before attempting to do anything else.
- tool to clear Pd(64) preferences. (only runs at user scope).
- tool to set which Pd(64) installation is used to open .pd files (scope can be 'user' or 'allusers').
- also these two tools are included in the uninstaller but here the '.pd' files repair is automatic (you don't have to choose which app).
- you can trigger this selecting the app via (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features) or ((Windows)settings -> apps -> apps & features)
- admin users can choose to install or run troubleshot tools at 'user' or 'allusers' scope.
- user can choose to do an alternate install if there is already a default one. it prompts for a short string (like 'Pd-0.54-0-(alt)' to be used to name the: install folder, start menu folder, desktop shortcut and uninstall name.
### Winget
On recent Windows machines (up-to-date Win10 or Win11) you can use the 'open sourced Windows package manager'. open a Terminal (or CMD or Powershell) window and do:
winget search puredata
you should get something like:
Name Id Version Match Source
Pure Data MillerPuckette.PureData 0.54-1 winget
Pd64 MillerPuckette.Pd64 0.54-1 Tag: puredata winget
so to install Pd do:
winget install puredata
to install Pd64 (this is the double-precision experimental Pd) do:
winget install pd64
Lucarda :)