I like that lots. The yellow/orange fretboard seems just right and using it is obvious. Shame we cant hide abstraction names yet. Nice use of flashtime and color and an instructional example of list processing. I'll get to test it on a proper guitarist soon. Didn't have much luck with the load/save thing yet though, it saves a textfile which is empty even after you do a store then save (and consequently I cant verify recall). **good stuff**
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 16:26:41 -0400 "Alexandre Quessy" listes@sourcelibre.com wrote:
On 8/21/06, patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr wrote:
Maybe you would like to test my version, I've attached it.
This is a new version, with the changed added by patco and a few more : http://alexandre.quessy.net/pd/guitartab-0.3.tar.gz
We will need to put that in a cvs... But remember, the idea is to make a netpd patch.
Oh, by the way, please avoir Windows or Mac line ends in the text files. You know, UNIX end lines is the standard... Well mine, at least. ;-)
Alexandre Quessy http://alexandre.quessy.net
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