Ahhh I guess I can't be of any help then, I haven't used Python inside PD too much ... But I'd love to hear the outcome of this.
On 4/8/07, Luigi Rensinghoff luigi.rensinghoff@freenet.de wrote:
Yes i can acces the database from python, entering some lines of python:
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "gigiroot", "sfx_database") sql = """SELECT * FROM soundfile where description like '%birds%""" cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() print data.
but from PD it does not work
Am 08.04.2007 um 16:17 schrieb David Powers:
Hi Luigi,
Just to be clear: Can you connect to the database with just Python? If not, I will try to help later today. This gives me a good excuse to try such a thing, I've been doing PHP+MySQL typical web programming lately, but Python is (in my opinion) a far nicer language than PHP and I've wanted to try this.
On 4/8/07, Luigi Rensinghoff luigi.rensinghoff@freenet.de wrote:
Hi List,
i successfully installed "py/pyext" on an intel macbook, and got pyhton, mysql and mysqldb running.
The patch by georg holzmann i was trying to use is attached.
Since i have no clue about python and sql and all of that i need some help to get started.
i managed to create a database with mysql, its called "sfx_database"
but when i try to connect via the patch i get the error:
PD mysql: could not log into MySQL server
in python i imported MySQldb, i think that is necessary and i executed dir(MySQLdb), but i am not sure if it is really loaded.
Who could help me debug/troubleshoot that ??
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