If you're open to other processing options, I made an extern a while back that does FFT filtering relative to harmonic numbers. You feed it a signal and the continuous MIDI pitch output from [sigmund~], and then based on scalar values from a table you can boost/cut the amplitude of any given harmonic by index. I haven't maintained it at all, but you can get the source, help, and win/mac binaries here:
Thank you, will give it a try within the next days!
That should give you the effect you want if I'm understanding you right. But if you specifically want to stick with analysis/resynthesis using [sigmund~], I gave a shot at a solution that produces mute/play flags for each [sigmund~] "track" by index.
Actually, I have not yet understood what a sigmund~ "track" is, the help patch does not say much. What is the difference between a track and a partial?
Thanks again! P