I've posted source and dlls for [routeOSC], [packOSC], and [unpackOSC] here: http://puredata.info/Members/martinrp/OSCobjects They work with [udpsend] and [udpreceive] or [tcpsend] and [tcpreceive] which are here: http://puredata.info/Members/martinrp/netobjects They could probably also work to send OSC messages through [comport] if some kind of length was prepended to the list, otherwise comport doesn't know how long the message is. Also MIDI could work if there was a way to pack 8bits into 7bits for system exclusive. routeOSC is settable using messages like [set /path/one /path/two( ...but you can't set more paths than were in the original arguments of the object.