what version of osx?
GEM video stuff has not been working “correctly” on osx for quite a while…
On 26 Jan 2019, at 21:11, J. Simon van der Walt tedthetrumpet@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks, but I think I'm going to have to give up. I did a clean reinstall, went with the default paths that were created, but still nothing really working in gem. Tried purr data, but gem is only supported under linux and windows, which is not an option for this project. And my old pd-extended does not seem to be able to make a video show fullscreen on the mac. Off to try something else! Thanks anyway.
On Sat, 26 Jan 2019 at 18:53, Max abonnements@revolwear.com wrote:
On 26.01.19 19:35, J. Simon van der Walt wrote:
I've been away from Pd for quite a while, and I see that pd-extended is no longer a thing?
It's no longer updated and has fallen behind. Some may say that Purr-Data has picked up where extended has stalled. http://puredata.info/downloads/Pd-L2Ork
I want to use GEM, so: I have Pd-0.49-1 installed and working. I went to 'Find externals', searched for 'gem' and installed:
Gem/0.94~pre1 (deken-archive for macOS Intel/64bit) Uploaded by zmoelnig @ 2018-12-23 18:17:43
That's the correct thing to do.
This seems to have put some stuff into the Pd app bundle. However, when I try to open an example, most objects don't seem to be found, eg 'gemwin… could not create'.
Deken (the external manager you have used through 'Find externals') should have asked you if you want to add Gem to the search paths. Did you say no to that? Of so, add the path manually in Preferences->Paths. Did you restart Pd?
Open a new patch, make an Object [Gem] and keep an eye on the Pd window console. Then try the examples.
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-- J. Simon van der Walt - Composer www.jsimonvanderwalt.com +44 (0) 7905 270 198
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