there is [pix_opencv] around there : https://github.com/avilleret/pix_opencv This is a fork ("a modified copy") of the main sourceforge external repository. This is not included in pd-extended but I've planned to release binaries for MacOSX, Windows and Linux in a not too far future...
Concerning FaceOSC, it wroks great and it's now included in [pix_opencv_facetracker], it's pretty experimental since it has not been tested widely. Depending on what you need exactly, you can also use the [pix_opencv_haarcascade] external with some free data set or with your own trained model.
Hope this helps.
-- do it yourself http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
2014-01-29 Jean-Marie Adrien jma@jeanmarie-adrien.net
Great ! i love the video, and the patch seems to be kind of what I need, from within PD. Will try to get it work on my mac Thanks ! JM
Le 28 janv. 2014 à 23:48, puredata@11h11.com a écrit :
i don't know if it's exactly what you need:
Make me (opencv / gem): http://puredata.info/Members/patrick
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