I've make smalls modification to newWave object for the simulation of this kind of surface. (I add a damping parametter for making smooth surface) you can find everythings here:
(.dll + .cpp + .pd)
chris clepper wrote:
At 8:58 PM +0100 11/29/03, marius schebella wrote:
hi boys and girls,
let´s say i want to render a watersurface with GEM or pdp (opengl) or gridflow. and use the mouse to click onto it and produce some waves. has someone already produced similar things and can give me some hints?
Are there some general algorithms for that, or do I have to calculate lightreflections of tons of small squares and rectangles...
Try the ripple object in GEM. It makes a nice water rippling effect on a plain quad. The newwave object also creates wave like motions across a triangle mesh as well. These are both in CVS.
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