On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
Speaking of the "more inside" concept: I strongly support subpatch differentiation, since personally I use subpatches primarily for patch organization rather than as impromptu abstractions, but you are already convinced : ).
in jMax, subpatch boxes had a special look (the box was all teal instead of white with a teal outline), but abstraction instances looked just like any other kind of object. I think that there was a good reason for this.
It might be a good time to look at doing a "grammar" style identification of objects to choose their style; this would get a lot closer to syntax highlighting. It would be cool to see all iemmatrix objects, or all list processing objects highlighted in a different style. And this would of course solve the subpatch styling, since one could just look for "^pd .*".
I agree that there could be options for this. I don't think that distinguishing abstraction instances from other boxes should be done by default or encouraged, but it could deserve to be turned on temporarily on some occasions.
And not to push my luck, but is it possible for the theme changes to live-update rather than only applying to new windows? I only ask because it would open some fun patch-UI hacks.
it's possible, I've done it, but it does not extend to the choice of translation. If e.g. I open a patch in Japanese and I switch the language to Russian, the already existing windows would continue to be in Japanese, while the new ones will be in Russian. (at this point, I delay the loading of translations to the next run of pd, so that the program continues to be in one language. Updating every gui element is hard)
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada