I think the best way to help is to make native packages for Pd-
extended. I have to finish up an annoying freelance project this
week, then I plan on diving into the Pd compile farm. I have a stack
of old PCs that I'll install any free OS on if someone will build Pd-
extended on that machine. The end goal is to get automatic nightly
builds going on all of the machines. I have 2 old Macs that I could
install GNU/Linux on as well.
On Jun 29, 2006, at 1:38 PM, dafydd hughes wrote:
Hey! This is great news!
I have just installed Ubuntu ppc and am having battles with the realtime kernel, but I'm glad to hear there are other folks into this. Once I get the kernel sorted out I'll be moving on to pd-extended, although there's a pretty good 0.39 package in Ubuntu. Anything I can do to help...
cheers dafydd
On 6/29/06, AshK ashk@azylum.net wrote:
as a ppc linux user I'm really interested yes! I could host it if
it is the only solution. I am really busy these days but I can do it
soon. I'm also working on compiling pd extended on ppc linux, so far everything worked but pdp had an error and I can't get gem to compile either
but I didn't have the time to do it properly.On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:38:07 -0500 "Kevin McCoy" km.takewithyou@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks to some help from the list and the ever-useful pd-list archives, I was able to successfully compile OSC externs for
linux; I'm planning to do many many more externals soon. It took a while though, and I would like to save other ppc users the
trouble if
I can (especially for reinstalls, etc). As I go through and
these, is there any constructive place to be putting them to share with others? I didn't find anything like that during my searching, and it appears to me (though this may be completely unfounded) that ppc-linux has a slowly growing base of users as more distros
Apple processors. I suppose I could make my own page, but I
have no
server at the moment.
Or is Hans (or anyone else) interested in getting a pd-extended ppc Linux release going? I would be happy to help in any way I can.
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Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams