Patrice Colet wrote:
I've been trying to develop an interface with sys_gui where media files are launched by clicking on a preview image, like in almost all softwares managing media files.
It's done by dumping pixels from gemwin to a bitmap stored in datastructure that is designing the launching buttons of my tck-tk interface.
With Purr Data, there is no sys_gui but we don't need such a complex coding to reach this end by the use of [draw] object.
"draw sprite image 100 100 ... couldn't create"
is that a part of some external library ?
In this attached example the image preview has to be stored in the hard drive to be opened. It's a single image preview but it could be extended to animation view.
that will probably not be possible under windows 7/64bit (at least for me it wouldn't).
GEM freezes and dies when the number of files read by [pix_image] exceeds 2048. no workaround found yet. thread 0/1 doesn't change anything.