Awesome, thanks! My coding skills and experience is so poor that this makes sense :)
But just so we're 100% clear, even if it compiles and works for mac, linux and windows, we can still have problems for android like compiling but not working?
2017-07-04 5:16 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig
On 2017-07-04 03:49, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
howdy, I've been testing libpd for android and some externals. I've
to use pd's extra objects as well as a few objects from cyclone and also from another library of my own - but some externals will fail, they
and create and everything, I just do not hear any sound! And they're
simple so I can't see any reason why they fail, here's one I couldn't
for instance:
i don't see any obvious problem, but some generic remarks:
- use
for all signals.don't use different types for input and output signals. use types consistently and try to not convert between them too often (even if t_float and t_sample are practically the same on *your* system right now).
- data sent to perform routine:
you are passing in x, some signal-vectors and the vector length. you are storing the samplerate as a member of x. why don't you pass it directly? or rather: why do you pass in sp[0]->s_n directly, but sp[0]->s_sr via "x". you are also passing in a member of x (x_val), why don't you just dereference
in the perform routine to get that value? apart from that, what is this value there for in the first place? you seem to do an awful lot of referencing/passing around/dereferencing just to never actually use that value.
- you are mixing variable declarations and code (L118). this is valid
C99 code, but not ANSI compatible. since/if it doesn't really improve the readability of your code, i'd stick to ANSI and declare my variables only at the beginning of a code block.
What should I know or be careful about building external objects for android? How can I get more information about my problem?
often such problems come from uninitialized variables.
i don't know anything about libpd, but sys_getsr() in the constructor looks fishy. it might well poison the hz (x_freq; hmm, is that used anywhere?) and x_phase values.
run your program through debuggers:
- valgrind is very easy to use, and it often detects use of
uninitialized variables. learn to use it:
- if this doesn't give you plenty of hints
gdb is a very powerful debugger, you should probably learn to use it:
- there's also the printf debugger, which might be easier to use in some
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