Thanks Thomas ! Is this what is done in pd-extended ? I guess not.
2007/11/25, Thomas Grill
On OSX, how can we build universal binaries for externals ? If not possible, both ppc and intel architecture use the .pd_darwin suffix...
the easiest approach is to make separate externals for each architecture (like ppc, ppc64, i386) and glue them together with lipo.
lipo -create myext.i386.pd_darwin myext.ppc.pd_darwin -output myext.pd_darwin
The flext build system uses a slightly different approach by compiling architecture-specific object files (because the compiler flags may be architecture-specific), use lipo to make UB object files and then call the linker with something like g++ -dynamic -arch i386 -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -o myext.pd_darwin objectfiles....
greetings, Thomas