I guess the advantage is if it runs faster or not, right?
Em sáb., 6 de fev. de 2021 às 18:03, Christof Ressi info@christofressi.com escreveu:
are there any concrete advantages?
What's the advantage of having two different objects for the same job? If you like [textfile] for its simple interface, keep using it. I'm just saying that it's more or less obsolete.
On 06.02.2021 16:38, João Pais wrote:
It is surely overall more powerful. But when using it just for read/get whole lines/save, are there any concrete advantages?
[text define] is basically a more powerful and flexible replacement for [textfile] and [qlist]. I would only use [textfile] if you prefer the simpler interface or need the [add2( method. Personally, I only use [text define].
On 06.02.2021 14:28, João Pais wrote:
Hi list,
for simple read/get/save operation, are there are advantages on using [text define] instead of [textfile]?
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