As the subject says, last night I was recording to 2 channel 32bit float and after a couple of hours Pd crashed suddenly, completely unresponsive, had to kill it in the system monitor. Checking today, the recorded file was 2147483647 bytes (= 2^31 - 1 bytes), The file system of the drive is ext3, I'm using GNU/Linux Red Hat 9 PlanetCCRMA.
This message:
...says that the max file size on ext3 is much bigger than 2GB, but that:
"" Your application must use LFS extensions, e.g. open("filename", O_LARGEFILE, ..) ""
I'm also guessing that there is a file size limit in the WAV format itself, probably around the 2GB or 4GB mark too.
But at any rate, reaching any of these limits shouldn't crash Pd!