Hello, I noticed a change between pd-extended and pd 0.49 on OSX regarding midi out.
My test patch is a 20ms metro that send 512 random midi control change. This patch works perfectly under linux, with all pd version. (The usb-midi device can handle it without any problem.) On osX, I don't have any problem with pd extended. With pd 0.49, I can't send that much data. pd is buffering the midi message : when I stop the metro it keep sending data for few seconds or more before the buffer is empty.
So, is there anything I can do to make 0.49 faster? Should I fill a bug report?
(if you are wondering why I need to send so much midi data, it's because I use a MIDI to DMX device to control a huge amount of led. I use this interface for 15 years under linux, so I know there are no problem on this side.)
cheers Cyrille