mplayer, so maybe its a separate issue:
fixed in latest CVS for gmerlin_avdecoder.
Excellent! Do you know if there are plans for a gmerlin_avdecoder release any time soon? That will make the Fink/Mac OS X packaging a lot easier. It might make it more likely that the Debian/Multimedia
package gets updated too.I don't think there are any plans to make a release any time soon. leider.
Hmm, I think its probably best to then to check the avdec sources into
the same folder as readanysf~ and build it from there. Its not included in Debian, Ubuntu, or Fedora. Then once it is included, that source can be removed. The rest of the dependencies are in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Fink, I think, so they can be used that way.
What would be the advantage of doing that?
we just put in a lot of effort to make the fink packages...and they should work just fine. why don't we keep it like it is and not do extra work, extra svn magic. the latest commits to gmerlin_avdec will be released soon enough.
also, debian users can use debian packages from
or better yet, how about making a package for Mac and win that includes the linked libraries as binaries? Or, do you want to make a giant static build? I still don't understand how the binary packages are made on mac and win.