thanks for the detailed description.
On 2014-08-07 00:24, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
- ./src/pd
Oops... Error in startup script: couldn't read file "/home/pd-0.45-5/src/tcl//pd-gui.tcl": no such file or directory
this would be trivial to fix in Pd. i haven't done this because i considered the problem an edge case (the idea being, that we shouldn't add too much cruft to the source base to cater for the needs of very few people, esp. as there are simple workarounds).
my usual workaround for this is: $ cd src $ ln -s ../tcl .
Which-- as I already stated in an old thread-- requires me to do this from the main pd directory: cp src/pd .
Then run ./pd
Now it runs. Great!
So I don't get an updated binary in the src/ directory with "make", and I do get an updated binary when doing "make && make clean".
actually no, the last part is not quite correct (though the effect is the same).
it seems that all the problems come from compiling Pd with the included "portaudio", which enables a number of hacks to properly load the included library (rather than one provided by the system). this boils down to ./src/pd *not* being a binary at all, but instead being a wrapper script, that launches the actual binary that is hidden in ./src/.libs. now when you copy the script ./src/pd to ./ and call it, it will
and if that fails it will
local copy in ./.libs/; and then launch it.
now when you do your changes to clip_float() and recompile, that binary in ./src/.libs/ gets updated nicely, but when you call ./pd it will still use it's outdated copy of the binary. when running "make clean" the ./.libs/ folder (containing the outdated copy) is deleted and later re-popuplated with the now-current binary.
i understand that this is a quite convoluted process, and that not everyone wants to pile up the knowledge to understand and debug this (and probably not even read my above explanation).
i can offer 3 possible "solutions":
wrapper-script trickery and gives you a "src/pd" *binary* that can be run without any hacks. obviously this is not very practical if you *want* portaudio.
(rather than copying ./src/pd to ./ and then call ./pd) add this information to the documentation
even when called from the wrapper script.
gfsd IOhannes