Using one OpenGL context spread over two different hardware devices typically won't work - especially since you have two different hardware vendors. You can run two instances of the same patch in two Pd apps and offset the view. The Matrox will not come close to handling the load of the ATI though.
Another option that I have seen work well is the Matrox DualHead2Go which makes two 1024x768 displays appear as one 2048x768 display. If you have a dual head x600 then two of the devices will drive four displays.
On 9/14/06, i'malittleteapot shortandstout <> wrote:
Does anyone have any experience in setting up a gem window accross four projectors. I'm projecting at 4096 x 683 using two 256mb ati Radeon x600 graphics cards and a Matrox Millenium G450 DualHead DVI PCI, working with a gig of RAM. The plan is to have 16 gemheads, 4 accross and switch between rendering them to change what movies are playing. If anyone has any advice/experience to offer it would be hugely appreciated.
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