catching up with mail after weekend, I would like to clear up this one:
Frank Barknecht wrote: ...
Krzysztof Czaja hat gesagt: // Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
...fotzsyzrkFILLkrz... ...zrkFILLkrzysztof...
Now seriously: How is crossfading two arrays done? I understand the harmonizer, "fotzsyzrkFILLkrz" does mean a tape running backwards?
Indeed, it was not very helpful...
Even if it looked like, I did not mean retrograding (as in a sampling technique of two-way crossfade looping of a single sample), but simply crossfading any two different waveforms.
This was kind of a general remark: if there is a periodic discontinuity of a signal source (like filling a table once a control period), then a declicking/smoothing method would be to use two copies of a source and a flip-flop crossfading scheme similar to that of a simple double-headed harmonizer. Not useful, if there is an opcode (like your external or former abstraction) with continuously modifiable parameters, of course.
And yes... the most efficient, and reliable way in this, like in many similar cases, and very often the most straightforward, is to make an external (also in a permutation case discussed in another thread).