On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Aaron Trumm wrote:
I am currently, among other things (one step at a time), trying to figure out how to control PD via the serial port.
The first step is using the [comport] external. It works on both Linux and Windows.
This will spit float messages out, each being a byte from the comport.
send a word, like "hello", and have pd do something based on that word, like print hello or something.
[comport] will re-emit that as 104, 101, 108, 108, 111.
Parsing that could be a chore unless you are using certain externals.
for background, the project (due tommorrow, handed to me last night) is:
That's a quite short-term project. Maybe you could give your boss a good whack behind his/her head... unless you're getting back a large reward for doing it.
a button box has 6 buttons: five record and one play. when a child who is standing between a green screen and a camera (connected to s-video input of a capture card) hits, say, record 1, a chip inside sends the text "record1" to a serial output.
If you only have 6 possible commands without parameters, then it will be simpler for you to use single-byte commands. In hyperterminal that could be any key that has an ASCII code. Keys that have an ANSI-VT code instead are multi-byte and are thus more difficult to handle; e.g. the code for right-arrow is three bytes: 27,91,67.
Do you have control over what the button box can send? can it send single bytes ?
"serial" object only outputs to the serial port as opposed to reading from it and parsing what it's getting...
I don't recall there being a [serial] object, or at least not anyone who actually uses it.
Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada