On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 03:24:27PM -0500, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
btw, I haven't seen any of the three funders (Andy, Jonathan, Marvin) say whether their money is just for [expr], or does it include [expr~] and/or [fexpr~] as well. The task description should be made clearer.
What I would like to see is uniform BSD licensing for PD Vanilla.
That said, if Shahrokh believed that the task only included [expr], I'm fine with that. I doubt he's going to be funded at anywhere near what his time is worth, either way.
Also, there's no webpage about it. Perhaps you could get together to write a page listing the goals and the amounts of money. It could be on
puredata.info. There could also be a new section for that kind of thing,
and/or it could be put next to the Google Summer of Code pages and other
funding-related things.
Personally, I'm not into the idea of generalizing this -- public funding is a legal and bureaucratic hassle, and I'm considering this a specific charity donation a la sponsoring a friend in Race for The Cure, not seed money for a bug-bounty model of development. I'm also unlikely to contribute again. For me, this is a one-time put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is special situation that I only really considered because the original author made a unique proposal.
Marvin Humphrey