Hey all,
I am trying to use GEM (on OSX), in particular pix_kaleidoscope, to manipulate an image in real time based on a wav file currently playing from an array. It is meant to be a very basic visualizer which needs to be "wound up", i.e. periodically the music runs out like a wind up music box and the user must rotate the mouse around the screen and click the screen for the visualizer to continue!
OK now here is the problem when i call pix_kaleidoscope and it starts manipulating the image it starts using up 50% of my processor and the music gets all jumpy and the image changes are not smooth at all. Is there a way around this or a simpler, less processor hungry, method of manipulating the image for the same visual effect?
I have uploaded my patch to the following address for your perusal:
If anyone could lend me their experience here it would be much appreciated.
By the way I only started using PD in November so my knowledge is limited!