Hi all,
I have a strange problem since upgrading my Raspberry Pi 2 to Debian Jessie and PureData 0.46.7: MIDI stopped working on pd-startup by setting the commandline-parameters.
In detail: An Arduino MIDI-Controller is connected via USB to the RPi2. No changes have been made to this, and MIDI send seems to work in ALSA. Some data to proof:
$ ls /dev/midi* /dev/midi1
$ aconnect -l Client 0: 'System' [Typ=Kernel] 0 'Timer ' 1 'Announce ' Client 14: 'Midi Through' [Typ=Kernel] 0 'Midi Through Port-0' Client 20: 'Arduino Leonardo' [Typ=Kernel] 0 'Arduino Leonardo MIDI 1'
Pressing buttons and listening: $ aseqdump -p 20 Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end. Source Event Ch Data 20:0 Note on 1, note 45, velocity 64 20:0 Note off 1, note 45, velocity 64 20:0 Note on 1, note 45, velocity 64 20:0 Note off 1, note 45, velocity 64 [...]
Hence my Raspberry gets the sent midi notes from the Arduino.
However, starting puredata with "puredata -d 3 -verbose -nogui -alsamidi -midiindev 1 -listdev puredata/miditest.pd" won't get any MIDI input (miditest.pd is just printing incoming midi notes).
$ puredata -d 3 -verbose -nogui -alsamidi -midiindev 1 -listdev puredata/miditest.pd audio input devices:
audio output devices:
API number 1
MIDI input devices:
MIDI output devices:
input channels = 2, output channels = 2 Pd-0.46.2 ("") compiled 07:48:11 Oct 29 2014 tried /home/pi/utzmachine/puredata/miditest.pd and succeeded priority 6 scheduling enabled.
/usr/lib/puredata/bin/pd-watchdog Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:0
By using "aconnect 20, 128" manually after Alsa-Client gets openend in PD I can connect the MIDI controller and get MIDI input printed:
$ puredata -d 3 -verbose -nogui -alsamidi -midiindev 1 -listdev puredata/miditest.pd audio input devices:
audio output devices:
API number 1
MIDI input devices:
MIDI output devices:
input channels = 2, output channels = 2 Pd-0.46.2 ("") compiled 07:48:11 Oct 29 2014 tried /home/pi/utzmachine/puredata/miditest.pd and succeeded priority 6 scheduling enabled.
/usr/lib/puredata/bin/pd-watchdog Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:0 MIDI: 45 64 2 MIDI: 45 0 2
I tried various parameter combinations for -midiindev and even tried the new -midiaddindev but no success. This leaves me clueless, has any configuration changed? I'm compiling 0.46.7 right now and draw some hope from that (using these steps: http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2014-11/108543.html), but I wonder why noone else seems to have this problem. I guess I missed something... Sorry for the extensive data, I hope it's helpful at least.
Cheers, Daniel