Hi all.
We have recently released version 0.6.1 of the SoundScape Renderer (SSR), which is a tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms, e.g. Wave Field Synthesis, Higher-Order Ambisonics and binaural techniques.
Most of the rendering back-ends of the SSR have been available as Pd externals for many years, the Binaural Room Synthesis (BRS) renderer has been added recently. However, the externals had to be compiled manually, which might have kept some potential users from trying them.
But now, the SSR externals are also available with Deken! I don't know if I have to explain it on this list, but just in case: go to "Help" -> "Find externals", search for "ssr" and click "install"! Then, put an object [declare -path ssr] into your patch, and now you can use the externals ssr_binaural~, ssr_brs~, ssr_dca~, ssr_aap~, ssr_wfs~ and ssr_vbap~.
You can feed audio signals to the externals and use messages to change their positions (and volume etc.). For more details, see the help patches.
Alternatively, you can use the brand-new asdf~ external to load a dynamic audio scene using the Audio Scene Description Format (ASDF, https://audioscenedescriptionformat.readthedocs.io/). This will provide the source signals and the control messages for you.
Again, just search for "asdf", click "install" and put an object [declare -path asdf] into your patch.
Currently, there are not many example scenes available, but for starters you can have a look here: https://github.com/AudioSceneDescriptionFormat/asdf-example-scenes/
This is our first generation of Pd externals via Deken. If you find any problems or if you have suggestions for improvements, please let us know via the issue trackers at https://github.com/SoundScapeRenderer/ssr or https://github.com/AudioSceneDescriptionFormat/asdf-rust.
cheers, Matthias
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