Hi Will,
Will Hurt wrote:
hi derek thanks for the quick reply, I downloaded a .deb for PD, so is that the problem i.e. i don't have any source code for pd or am i understanding you wrong.
im pretty sure pd is installed in /usr/lib/pd
would it be best to move the OSCx directory to here then run the commands. or do i need to download all the puredata source from cvs?
Normal problem with .debs, as they don't install sources. I would download the sources for the version of PD you installed via Debian. The compiler needs some includes that are in there. The line:
means that the compiler is looking for a folder called "pd" three directories up from the current one. (i.e. ../../../ ). That directory looks like /home/will to me. So download your PD sources and put them in /home/will, and rename the directory "pd", or make a "ln -s pd pd-whatever.version.number.you.downloaded". Then try again.
best, d.