There is also [folder_list] in "hcs" in Pd-extented.
On Jul 21, 2007, at 6:23 AM, Andy Farnell wrote:
[playlist] is nice if you don't have [shell]. You can filter by extension and seek to iterate through the list.
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 13:33:31 -0500 Denis Fitzpatrick wrote:
I would like to get a list of all the sound files in a directory (including sub-directories possibly), and be able to iterate through this list (perhaps randomly), getting their length, then loading and playing all or part of these files. Any suggestions regarding objects/patches to look at would be greatly appreciated.
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-- Use the source mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> listinfo/pd-list
'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out
another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf