On 14/02/16 16:37, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
hat's why you need to introduce another external
"hexloader", and make sure it always loads first.
but why don't I need this when I load the cyclone externals?
hexloader is only need for 2 cases afaict:
if you want an abstractions with '/' in the object name (not allowed by filesystems)
single-object externals with non-alphanumeric characters (not allowed in C identifiers)
multi-object libraries avoid (2) by exposing a C function libraryname_setup() in libraryname.pd_whatever instead of objectname_setup() in objectname.pd_whatever, and libraryname_setup() can register all the objects in the library at once (not just [libraryname]).
I'm guessing cyclone is a multi-object library that you load with -lib cyclone (or declare), so there is no need for hexloader.