On Tue, 2019-01-29 at 14:50 +0100, Federico Camara Halac wrote:
So, 'deterministic' here would mean that, no matter what, it does what it is asked for in the given order, waiting every time until each step is done?
I guess that if I ask for a 'list' of all events, I mean the fully determined sequence of commands that happen throughout the execution of a patch. This would look like an overloaded and fully verbose log file that shows every step of the patch. I think a log like this might be useful for debugging or for increasing efficiency.
I don't think any of implementation of what you ask can be at the same time generally useful and not be several orders of magnitude too verbose to not fill your disk in short time.
While Pd is deterministic, you can adapt your patch to write a log that is specifically useful to your case.
[loadbang] | [t b b b b b b b ] | | | | | | | | | | | | | [print load soundfiles] | | | | | [pd loading_stuff] | | | | [print analyze tables] | | | [pd analyzing_stuff] | | [print write sounds to files] | [pd writing_stuff] [; pd gui(