hello community of Pure Data!
My name is Johannes Eckart, comming originally from Salzburg-Austria and at the moment studying in Paris handcraft-arts. In my free-time and also for practical reasons in my study, i started working on Pure-Data and its library Gem. i already learned all the basics and iŽm feeling quite well with the program. but actually i am a beginner, so i have many questions!! but one after another... for today i just want to pose a question on Gem: i want to design lines and curbes in a Gem-window. the difficulty is, that i want to draw this lines by giving the coordinates directly to the path. maybe for better understanding: i want to create a circle, but he must not appear immediately. he must be drawn like with a pencil. i hope that somebody can send me maybe an already existing path or some explanation on how to solve this problem! i am very glad to be in this mailing-list and hope to give and get many answers! thank you, Johannes Eckart
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