Thanks for the information Simon! A few more details I'd like to ask you if you don't mind.
On 6/23/07, simon wise wrote:
1/ make sure your file system is journalled (it is by default) - use Disk Utility 2/ set 'Restart automatically after power failure' in SystemPreferences:EnergySaver:Options 3/ set a schedule for automatic sleeps etc in SystemPreferences:EnergySaver:Schedule 4/ set system to login to YourUser automatically in SystemPreferences:Accounts:LoginOptions
These are all simple enough, but what about this next one?
5/ set Pd to start or a script to run on login in SystemPreferences:Accounts:YourUser:LoginItems
I looked into /LIbrary/StartupItems/iScroll2 for a startup example. Would I just modify the following shell script and create a /Library/StartupItems/Pd to get things working?
daemonpath="/Library/StartupItems/iScroll2" daemonname="iScroll2Daemon" daemonpidfile="/var/run/${daemonname}.pid"
. /etc/rc.common
StartService () { ConsoleMessage "Starting iScroll2" "${daemonpath}/${daemonname}" ConsoleMessage -S }
StopService () { ConsoleMessage "Stopping iScroll2" kill $(cat "${daemonpidfile}") ConsoleMessage -S }
RestartService () { StopService; StartService; }
How well would this work with a bundled *.app file, say How do I choose the proper patch to launch?
Thanks a lot for any answers you can provide, I've never had to deal with this before so I am learning a ton from the advice on this list.
I guess that the file system journalling is helping to prevent corruption, but I still don't rely on that and either leave it running or use the schedule to sleep and startup as required,
Note that if you shutdown manually (or by the schedule) then later turn the power off then on again it is not a 'power failure' and the system won't reboot automatically, it only does so when it lost power while running. Also you have to make sure Pd quits before any automatic shutdown because it does not quit when the system asks it to during normal shutdowns.
You could also try mounting drives read only etc - but I haven't tested that and would like to know more possibilities in this area!