On 3/1/21 6:18 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
not sure if there's an easy way to add all objects to deken to minimize this issue. At least for all externals in extended. Do we need to reupload them one by one (newer uploads to deken automatically provide an object list, right?)??? Is it too much work and no one wants that? I can help with tedious work...
well. objectlists are just files that sit besides the deken package (on the server). they need to follow a special naming convention (basically: they need to have the same name as the deken package) and live in the very same directory. so: you don't really need to upload all packages again, just to add objectlists. (however, you do need write-permissions on the folder that contain the original packages.)
the real show stopper is, that objectlists are only supported with the deken-v1 format (.dek files), but not with the deken-v0 format (which was used to upload the v0.0.extended packages).
mgfds. IOhannes