On Sun, 1 Sep 2002 22:19:46 +0200 (CEST) Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu umbpux@tin.it wrote:
Is there a know bug list for pure-data?
Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu.
Since nobody has answered Maurizio's question I guess we can assume that there isn't one and that bugs should be reported to this list (and hence to Miller himself) as I have seen done here before. I guess that's the way you should go about it, Maurizio. Probably better to report to the PD-dev list though. For those who don't know, Maurizio has done some amazing work on the Csound core (and actually branched the code into his own version - iCsound).
Chris. _________________________________ chris@mccormick.cx http://www.mccormick.cx http://www.sciencegirlrecords.com