Hallo, João Pais hat gesagt: // João Pais wrote:
just dia a couple of patches to get the profile of filters by testing them - linear + log versions. I had some questions to see if anyone is
interested in this:
Btw, anyone has good links/references to filter theory courses/papers?
Miller's book is pretty nice. The docs also include filter-graph abstractions to profile filters similar to yours but a bit more powerful in that they also graph the phase response.
Other than that, IMO Julius O. Smith's DSP Guide is the best reference as far as "musical" filters are concered.
Some nitpicks: your patches use some objects not available to me, namely [f+] and [lbang]. I assume they are trivial objects, why didn't you use use the standard [loadbang] and a [f][+] counter? Also the signal sends etc. are global, which makes it impossible to use the objects to compare two filters side by side.