Op 28 maart 2012 12:37 schreef Jack jack@rybn.org het volgende:
Le 28/03/2012 02:02, tim vets a écrit :
Hello, is it possible that [polygon] does not work in buffer 1 mode? (it does not appear in buffer 1 mode, while it does in buffer 0) I do not have this problem with other objects. there is no error message pd-extended 0.43-1, ubuntu 11.10 thanks, Tim
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No problem in single buffer with [polygon]. Have you send each message to [polygon] for the coordinates of each vertex before to send a bang to [gemhead] ?
yes, I did all that, but nevermind, because now it _does_ work, hu-hum... with exactly the same patch+settings, don't know what I was doing wrong yesterday sorry for the noise...:)
My config : pd 0.43-2test1, last Gem from git, Ubuntu 11.10.
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