Oh, this is great news! Can´t give you any response on the two first questions but here is a fast response to the other two...
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi list,
- I got jump-on-click arrays working. Basically you can click anywhere in
the graph and the array element in that vertical column will jump to your mouse position.
- Implemented "bargraph style" for "Put" menu arrays. (See attached)
This is basically a multi-slider.
- using "bit masks", exactly how many flags can I scrunch into a
floatarg? Arrays use one floatarg in a pd file to keep 1) the "saveit" flag (i.e., whether or not data is saved with the patch), and 2) plot style, to which I've added one more. I'd like to add a flag for "jump-on-click", and if possible one for x/y ticks.
can I add a A_DEFFLOAT for plot color for arrays?
for bar graph arrays, should the user be able to specify inner/outer
color for the bar, or is inner color with black outline good enough?
I think the ability to change both inner and outer color for the bar should be preferred.
the UX is misleading: with points-style arrays you can only click on a small undifferentiated part of the line. Should I change this so that the hot spot is the entire line?
I think, yes! Can´t really see situations where a fraction of the line as hot spot should be preferred...
/Björn Eriksson
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