MIDI messages only go out to one device - so to send to device 2 you send to MIDI "channel" 17 to 32. In this case, probably 18 (channel 2 on device number 2).
cheers Miller
On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 05:28:04PM -0500, Rick Snow wrote:
I am working to use two Teensy devices as midi compliant devices to control a set of motors with PD. I have each one working as expected. One Teensy expects midi info on Channel 1 and the other on Channel 2. Each Teensy Device is given its own name. When I try to use them both at the same time (plug in both to my Mac) I can see both of them in the Midi Devices. However, only the first one I choose will accept midi values and move the motors. Whichever one I choose second will not react when I send it midi data.
Anyone else worked with multiple Teensy Midi devices and PD?
Cheers, Rick
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