I just tried with 2 machines having [tcpserver] (WinXP) repeatedly send to [tcpclient] (Ubuntu) while I pulled out the cable from one machine. The server keeps sending until it disconnects about a minute later with message "tcpserver: not a valid socket number (-1)" The client however thinks it's still connected and I need to disconnect before reconnecting to be able to resume communication. So there's no crash there. It's probably the buffer overflow. Then I modified [tcpserver] to check if the socket is writeable first, using select(). This causes messages to appear when the buffer overflows instead of blocking at the send() call, but it doesn't close the socket. I gave select a one second timeout, which should allow time for zero-logical time multiple messages to get out. Maybe you could try it (I just uploaded it to the svn at http://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pure-data/trunk/externals/mrpeac...) and see if anything changes.