which version is yours ?
The most recent one on Deken.
On 12.02.2021 15:51, oliver wrote:
Christof Ressi wrote:
I have msys2 installed, but I temporarily renamed it.
I've checked the Pd external with Dependency Walker and the symbol you're missing is really present in the bundled stdlibc++-6.dll, so I have no idea what is going on your side...
ok, a little closer now
i fiddled with CEAMMC versions and version 0.7.1 (from 2019) was the only one that worked.
which version is yours ?
BTW: an impressive library ! i just checked the GUI section and it adds a lot of beautiful and elegant stuff to PD !
(even though it will make my own personal GUI approaches obsolete pretty soon ;-)
the only thing bugging me ATM is that my cursor changes to an awkward looking upwards arrow when i touch a ceammc GUI.
not very handy, but i will check the linux versions. but i would also love to check out newer versions on win.
i guess they might be WIN 10 only ? ...
On 12.02.2021 14:55, oliver wrote:
Christof Ressi wrote:
I had a look at the deken package. The 32-bit version is missing lots of libraries and consequently doesn't load. The 64-bit version, however, looks ok and it loads just fine (Windows 7)
that's strange.
it's not the first time you write this. do you have a special windows 7 version ? ;-)
really, could it be possible that you (being a developer too) have more libraries available as part of your system than the average windows user ?
Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit Pd?
It's PD 0.51.4 actually and it's 64bit
the aforementioned error persists
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